Great Commission
Before Jesus ascended to the Father, he blessed his disciples, promised the sending of his Holy Spirit, and gave them the Great Commission.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matt 28:18-20
What an honor and blessing it is as intercessors to "go" to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Thank you for your steadfastness in prayer for our Global Partners, the Persecuted Church, and the Nations.
World Mission Committee |
Malawi from Bishop Fanuel:
- Bishop Fanuel will be traveling to the US and to our diocese this month. He will be here May 23 - June 17. There will be opportunity to participate in a Thursday Night Bible Study with Bishop Fanuel during his stay with us. Click Here for More. Pray for his safety and comfort as he travels. Pray for his schedule and that many will seek opportunities to connect with the him and hear first hand of all that God is doing in the Diocese of Northern Malawi.
- In Malawi there are many challenges concerning economic issues. Pray for the country and for wisdom for its leadership and government as they seek to find solutions for these challenges. Pray for unity among the people.
- We are now hearing from the British intelligence that terrorists may be targeting Malawi. We are not sure where these will come from and for what reason. We just pray that it will not come to pass. Please continue to pray with us for God’s protection against all evil for the people of Malawi.
La Gran Familia (LGF) from Barbara Hautanen:
- A team from San Juan Apostal is planning a summer mission to LGF to host a VBS. Continue to pray for Father Ordonez and his parish leadership as they train and prepare for their time in Cuauhtémoc.
- La Gran Familia is discerning a call to expand an outreach program to feed school children in a neighboring town of Anahuac. Pray for clarity for God’s will for this program and for provision for Rigo as he leads this endeavor to provide meals and support to children in need.
- A number of our parishes participated in the Mother’s Day Ingathering. La Gran Familia will now have some money to go towards another van to transport all the children and youth that live there. Please join us in thanksgiving for the monies raised and pray for the Lord to continue to deepen our diocesan partnership with LGF.
Myanmar from Bishop David Nyi Nyi Naing in Diocese of Mandalay:
- Archbishop Stephen and the Covid Response Team have Covid. Pray for quick healing for all and that there will be no residual effects for those who are ill.
- We are continuing to receive reports of ongoing violence in now the second year of the Military Coup. Continue to pray for the safely and provision for the Church in Myanmar as it ministers to those affected and builds bridges for the Gospel.
- The Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) has a $10K matching grant for food and Covid relief funding in Myanmar. Pray for generous givers and for the Church in Myanmar as they respond to the physical needs of the people. Click Here for More
Church in South Sudan:
- There has been severe flooding in South Sudan that is destroying farmland, crops, and livestock, and continues to impact people’s access to essential services. Pray for the Church in the Sudan as they respond to the needs of the people. Pray for the spread of the Gospel during these times of great loss. Click Here for More
Church in Nigeria:
- Leah Sharibu is the Christian school girl stolen from her family in February, 2018 by radical Islamic extremists. She was kidnapped with over 100 other female students. Leah alone was kept when the others were released. She was kept, said her captors, for refusing to renounce her faith in Jesus. She was just 14. Leah had her 19th Birthday this week and is still in captivity. Pray for her and the many other Nigerian women and girls in captivity. Pray for their provision, protection, and release. Pray for Leah’s story to draw international attention to the religious-based violence and kidnappings plaguing Nigeria.
Church in Sri Lanka:
- The nation of Sri Lanka continues to suffer from their worst economic crisis in decades. Bishop Dhiloraj Canagasbey reports, "There is a mood of desperation across the country that has resulted in thousands gathering in a large civilian uprising, asking for the resignation of the president." Pray for the Church in Sri Lanka and especially Bishop Dhilo as they respond to the people’s great need. Pray for new leadership and for unity among the people. May the Prince of Peace reign in Sri Lanka.
- Bishop Fanuel reports at long last the radio station is set up and running! We praise God for this opportunity to reach many in Malawi with the Good News of the Gospel. Thank you for your many months of steadfast prayer.
- And Glory to God for the consecration of St Mark's Church in Mzuzu. After 15 years to complete the construction of this new church building, St Marks Church is now finished and has been set apart and consecrated unto Almighty God.
Please consider joining this opportunity for prayer with others as we intercede for the nations. All are welcome.
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