The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth (DFW) and the Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi (DNM) have been committed to partnership since 1995, when the DNM was established with the Rt. Rev. Jackson C. Biggers as its first bishop.

Bishop, Clergy in St. Peter’s Cathedral

Today the DNM is blessed with the spiritual leadership of Rt. Rev. Fanuel Magangani, the DNM first Malawian born bishop.  Visit the DNM website at 

The DFW partnership is spearheaded by the Malawi Subcommittee, a committee of the DFW World Mission Committee.  The Malawi Subcommittee is comprised of clergy and lay leaders.  The committee’s operates under the direction of the World Mission Committee and Bishop Reed with the goal of providing opportunities for partnership and relationship.

Relationships in Christ, Malawi Then and Now

An excellent video presenting some of the history in the forming of the Anglican Church in Northern Malawi.

Investing Equipment and Training for Printing and Binding Hymnals and Other Materials

Financial Independence

Diocese of Northern Malawi

Led by their Bishop, our brothers and sisters in the Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi have committed themselves to a goal of financial independence. In this video produced by our World Mission Committee, you can see how they are using what God has placed in their hands to grow toward a brighter future.